(grades 5 -12)
The roles of electric and hybrid vehicles are becoming a significant part of the national transportation equation. For the past decade, these technologies been a hot topic among legislators, automakers, and even teachers and students. Enterprise offers an exciting way to bring future drivers up to speed on the EV.

The heart of this program are kits for building actual working model electric cars that accurately replicate the components of full-size EVs. As students assemble a car they must make important decisions affecting its performance: Which of 16 possible gear ratios to use? Are one or two batteries best? Front wheel or rear wheel drive, etc.?

The accompanying 16-page booklet gives students a thorough understanding of the environmental advantages of this technology and how EVs work, and provides an introduction to battery technology, the battery charging infrastructure and the role of government agencies.

One of the most popular parts of the program has been the student competitions to determine which car is fastest and which can climb the steepest grade. Some of these classroom trials have led to school-wide and regional competitions that have attracted local TV coverage. But while the students are enjoying themselves, they're also learning many lessons about electricity, energy transformations, chemical analysis, simple machines and environmental pollution.

The program continues to be updated and improved with the help of teachers, utilities, and government agencies. Consider incorporating this exciting curriculum unit into your EV market development program. Let us help you organize sponsoring partnerships with other interested private and public sector organizations.

Comes With:

Other EV Classroom Kit Sizes:
The Electric Car
Questions?  Please contact us:
or email: service@entfored.com

Copyright 2006, Enterprise For Education