Electric & Natural Gas Safety
The safe use of its product is a prime concern of every natural gas and electric utility. Teach your future customers good habits while they're young.

Online Education Programs/Websites - New!
Our interactive safety education web programs bring branded EFE characters to life, teaching key electric and natural gas safety concepts. You simply will not find higher quality online ed programs anywhere.

Clean Air Challenge
One of the most powerful and complete air quality programs available today, enabling students to conduct scientific research on an environmental problem that impacts their health.

Green Power and New Electric Technologies
Capitalize on students' interest in renewable energy with hands-on activities. What is electricity? How do we generate it?

Electric Transportation
The future of electric transportation is in the hands of today's students.

Energy Efficiency
Knowledgeable customers can reduce your peak demand, while saving themselves some money.

The health of tomorrow's environment depends on what students learn today.

Fundamentals of Electricity
Help students understand your product while they enhance their knowledge of science and math.

Students learn about the fuels your company uses to generate electricity and can turn to the Internet to learn even more.
Questions?  Please contact us:
or email: service@entfored.com

Copyright 2007, Enterprise For Education