Global warming is one of the most important and controversial issues facing us today. This title introduces students to different aspects of the issue and invites them to consider questions scientists and policymakers now face: Should the nation's fuel mix be changed? What would be the effects of a warmer environment? Should we start preparing for one?.
Comes with: Student booklet: 16 pp., full color.
Teacher's guide: 8 pp.
(grades 8 - 11, Earth Science)
Percentages Help an Environmental Engineer
Anna Marie Ochoa, a consulting engineer, uses percentages to help a small town develop a strategy for dealing with its solid waste. By using a real environmental problem, students gain awareness of one of today's most common environmental challenges. They also make use of math skills that they sometimes question the need for learning. The open-ended conclusion invites students to examine the solid waste problem in their own community.
Comes with: Student booklet: 8 pp., full color, opens to 10 3/4"
Teacher's guide: 4 pp.
(grades 5 - 9, Math & Science)
Hazardous Wastes From Homes
Pesticides, herbicides, paints, cleaning solvents and other common household products can pollute our drinking water unless they are properly disposed of. Households as well as large industries must address this issue. This booklet emphasizes the importance of reduction and recycling, provides instructions on how to dispose of common household hazardous materials and provides guidance on how to set up a hazardous waste management program in your community.
Comes with: Student booklet: 40 pp., full color
Teacher's guide:64 pp.
(grades 9-12, Chemistry, Home Economics, Environmental or Physical Science)
Risk: Taking Chances, Making Choices
Our lives are ultimately shaped by the choices we make every day, including things like "Should we visit a friend with a virus?" or, "Has my friend had too much to drink to drive us home safely?" This title introduces students to the concept of risk and teaches them some of the factors that affect how they make decisions. They also learn what methods some experts have devised to make risk assessment more objective.
Comes with: Student booklet: 16 pp., full color
Teacher's guide:8 pp.
(grades 6-10, Health, Environmental Science)
Environmental Education
The health of tomorrow's environment depends on what students learn today.